Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Comic Con Carne 07

San Diego Comic Con was crammed full of goodness this year. Met so many people, saw so many spandex costumes pushed to their tensile limits by many a bulging gut.

But let us begin with the loot, with this little jewel I lovingly call L'Spidey.

A genuine 1979 Mego Spider-Man still in its original package. I snatched it from a toy bin seconds before another guy reached for it with shaking hands. Twenty clams seemed kind of pricey so I was going to let the guy have it, since he seemed to be hyperventilating and all. Then I noticed something odd - L'Homme Araignee? Holy nuts, it was a FRENCH Mego Spidey! The packaging even refers to "Thor the Mighty," "La Torche Humaine," and my favorite, "La Chose" (click back image to enlarge)!

I elbowed aside the mouth-breather and claimed my prize. Someone else getting their mitts on this treasure? I say thee nay!

This little baby is a Halo postcard signed by Brian Michael Bendis. It's actually not even from the Halo book he's working on, but he was a mensch and signed it anyway. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I towered at least a foot over him.

Which brings us to the pinnacle of my Con trip. I met Brian Michael Bendis! Not only that, but I gave him a copy of my book, "Wanted." To which he replied, "That's great, man, you're doing it, you're creating." Then he chucked it under the table, so, yeah, short-lived moment of glory. Even so, it was pretty damned cool to meet - and I don't think this is too much a stretch - our generation's equivalent of Stan Lee. I got New Avengers artist Leinil Yu to take our picture, but he had the camera set on video instead of picture, thus negating the stereotype about Asians and their innate skills with cameras.

And now more Comic-Con 07 highlights. Roll 'em!

Terry Moore? Hmm, not ringing any bells. What is it you've done, again?

Zander Cannon, you get to continue the seminal comic series "Top 10," thereby directly following in the footsteps of comics legend Alan Moore. Hope you remembered the antiperspirant.

Artist Adam Hughes gives his "sexy" look.

A wooden robot. Which makes him a... Eh, it's too easy.

Holy smokes! Kal El takes a nicotine break. Moments later he lit some other dude's cigarette. I believe this was the evil version from "Superman III," the one where he also gets hammered and then gets laid.

Artist Ethan Van Sciver demonstrates where his yellow power ring will snugly reside, once he figures out a way to instill fear via No. 2 pencil.

What little boys dream of when they first hit puberty.


At 8:56 AM, August 06, 2007, Blogger Nel Pastel said...

I've really, really got to get to the Con one of these years. And you got Mego Spider-Man!

I don't know if you knew, but I have one of those, too - sorta. Actually, I've got his clothes and his head. When I was little I broke my Spidey (his arm? leg? something) and Dad popped the head off my Starskey doll, switched it with Spideys' and then swapped the clothes.

So there's my secret shame. My Spidey is actually Paul Michael Glaser.

By the way, it's awesome that you gave Bendis a copy of your book!

At 4:36 PM, October 25, 2007, Blogger vw. said...

hey tom!!! nice blog... i think i saw this comic convention on tv. on that show "beauty and the geek" not that you're a geek :) anywho... i took a look at your website, nice, nice stuff. really good that you have some financial ads in there... and the flower ones are GREAT. the weakest one is the jeep one for me. personally,i barely get that one... or it's not saying as much as the other ones. maybe if you had more executions of it? but really nice work on the other two campaigns. your webs site rocks (nina sent it to me). :) GOOD LUCK!

At 6:17 PM, April 18, 2008, Blogger Dwacon said...

you're having too much fun!


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